Electronic Voting

Make agile decisions and move board conversations forward with electronic voting. Key decisions can be made during or between meetings —from anywhere—and results can be reported instantly. There's no need to wait for the next board meeting to set things in motion.

Capture and Track Board Decisions

Boardlogic enables you to set up and tailor voting options that fit the procedures of your organisation. Set up the length of the voting window to establish the timeframe for board members to cast their votes. The voting process is straight-forward, easy, and effective.

Link to Agenda Items 

Link vote requests or notices against an agenda item with one-click. Board members will be able to see the agenda items requiring specific decisions or approvals at one glance.

Voting Management

Boardlogic enables you to manage the entirety of the voting process. Reset votes for board members whenever necessary, and control when voting results should be published to all.

Cast Votes from Anywhere

Be immediately notified of pending vote or approval requests and then cast your vote using any device. Your past votes and decisions are stored for easy reference.

Real-time Results

Eliminate the time spent circulating documents and waiting for decisions to be made. Voting outcomes can be reported and viewed in real-time so the board can act swiftly whenever needed.

Accelerate high-impact decision making with Boardlogic

Get started today.

Increase transparency and accountability with board meeting software

A board meeting management solution is not solely an administrative application that can fuel the board's efficiency through the elimination of tedious, manual-based processes. They, too, can help boards of directors improve corporate governance. On the blog, we tackle some of the pillars of good governance and discuss how these can be applied with the support of a board portal.

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